M. Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold. (Photo by: Xander Deccio)
Metalcore group Avenged Sevenfold made its way to The Gorge Amphitheater to headline the first day of KISW’s Pain in the Grass. A7X (as they are known by their legion of fans) recently released their latest album ‘Hail to the King,’ that recently debuted at number 1 on the Billboard charts. HTK also marks the first album featuring new drummer Arin Ilejay, who replaced longtime drummer The Rev ,who unexpectedly passed away in 2009.
This marked the 4th time I have shot A7X, and I must admit they are better live every time I have seen them live. First time was in Kennewick with a record setting sold out show, second was at Uproar in 2011 and lastly when they played the Sundome in Yakima.
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Xander is a veteran freelance photojournalist and writer. He has covered many top national and local artists for multiple local and national publications including SMI. On his spare time, he's either producing episodes of VNYLden, or tending to his vinyl collection.