Duke Evers released their first full length album Velvet Hips with a show at Chop Suey that drew a large crowd that danced, sang along, and...
“I had some dark and twisted times in there,” Sturgill Simpson said of Seattle’s erstwhile Funhouse venue (a new iteration is now located next to El...
The Everett Music Initiative’s Halloween Bash took place in an unorthodox venue. The Soundview Bar and Grill isn’t necessarily built to accommodate live music. The...
Fremont’s High Dive has been booking some off the chain shows lately, and last Friday’s Monsterwatch show was no exception. The punked out band put...
San Francisco’s Black Rebel Motorcycle Club is currently co-headlining a tour with Toronto’s Death From Above 1979. The two bands made a stop at the...
Rainier Beer knows how to throw itself a party. For this year’s free annual “R” Day celebration, sponsored by KEXP and held at the Old Rainier...
For those born and raised in the Puget Sound, it’s just about impossible to just flat out say “Rainier Beer.” No. It’s “Raaaaaaaaaiiiii-nieeeeeeeeerrrrrr (gasp) Beeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr.” The...
We at Seattle Music Insider are incredibly fond of our friends at NadaMucho and their commitment to emerging local artists. So when they announced that...
An enthusiastic crowd of all ages packed the Showbox SoDo last week for a show from Long Beach, California’s Cold War Kids. The indie favorite...
Fauna Shade headlined a show last Saturday night that sold out The Anchor Pub in Everett for the first time since reopening two years ago....
Actionesse took to the stage on a Friday night at The Highline to celebrate the release of their EP Mignon (our review is here), and...
Asterhouse’s debut video for “Sweet Fragile World,” which is one of two tracks the band contributed to the split LP Four Corners, features delicate dancing paired...