Seattle Living Room Show / Melodic Caring Project on 10/19/12
After a long stretch of sunny days and warm temperatures in the great Northwest, crisp and cool fall weather is finally upon us. We couldn’t think of a warmer place to spend an autumn night than in a cozy living room with good friends and great artists doing their thing for a wonderful cause.
This past Friday, in a secret location, Seattle Living Room Shows in partnership with Melodic Caring Project once again staged an intimate show in Seattle. The show featured singer songwriters Kevin Andrew Prchal, Matt Brown, and Brian Chartrand.
Melodic Caring Project, who also partnered with Starlight Children’s Foundation, streamed the show to eight brave rockstars named Lexa (Princess Lexy), Alicen (Ali), Cali & Katie, Jordan, Gabe, Savannah, and Reagan while they watched and listened from their hospital beds. SLC’s Kristen Watt served as the MC.
Prior to kicking off the show, Levi Ware came out from behind the control console to talk about Melodic Caring project and give a shout out to the children.
First up was Chicago’s Kevin Andrew Prchal. Prchal’s acoustic, pop, and country sound is a throwback to a different era that channels the influence of Woody Guthrie and Johnny Cash. His performance was understated, yet powerful. His passionate delivery of Terrified! was one of the highlights of his brief, but strong, set. His most recent record, Eat Shirt and Tie, can be purchased here.
Portland’s Matt Brown, along with drummer / percussionist, Marc Jones, put on a rousing performance that filled up the room. Brown and Jones stayed locked in throughout the set. A highpoint was a moving arrangement of the Bill Withers classic, Ain’t No Sunshine, off of his recently released EP, Barcelona. Brown will be performing this Saturday (10/27) at Tacoma’s Jazzbones, along with Mycle Watsman.
Brian Chartrand is no stranger to performing at Seattle Living Room Shows. The Phoenix based singer/songwriter has made several appearances at SLS over the last few years. Chartrand flew up from Phoenix, Arizona to participate in the show and perform for the first time for Melodic Caring Project. He had no problem getting the audience to join in on some of his unique arrangements of 80s hits, Boys of Summer (Don Henley) and Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Tears for Fears). Chartrand also performed a beautiful version of The Beatles classic, Blackbird. Chartrand’s most recent effort, La Belle Époque, is available for purchase.
The evening was capped off with all artists joined by Levi Ware to perform what has become the unofficial Melodic Caring theme song – a rousing version of the Ware-penned number, Hey Hey, for the internet viewing audience. (The Wares are hoping to record a studio version of the song, with proceeds going to Melodic Caring Project.) It was another stellar evening with three great artists on one bill, playing in an intimate environment for a special audience outside the cozy confines of a Seattle living room. (See Photo Slideshow below)
Throughout the show, the viewing audience was able to interact in real time with Melodic Caring Project. Based on some of the comments below, they were thoroughly enjoying the performance. Below is a sample of the virtual dialogue…
PrincessLexy03 Blessings on all the Rock stars they are braver than anyone knows!!!
leroyrothamel1 MELODICCARING: Thank you for all you do. Good night and God Bless!!!!
PrincessLexy03 You made me cry.. my daughter just said she is soooo happy She wants to scream
SweetheartSavannah G’nite fellow families & sweet dreams!30 much Kevin, Matt, Brian & Levi, Kristen and again Erin – much love
leroyrothamel1 This is an awesome song. Happy Tears!!!! These ROCKStARS go through so much. Thank you Levi!!!!
michaelcgonzalez1 Great concert!
andreamaimbourgmartini woohooo!!!!! 2 minutes ago __ _MELODICCARING Give it up for Levi
PrincessLexy03 BLESSINGS TO ALL MY FELLOW ROCKSTARS.. prayers for complete healing!!just now
MELODICCARING You’re a rockSTAR Savannah! SweetheartSavannah Tears of joy for this amazing evening withall you beautiful people! Thank you ALL! just now •
PrincessLexy03 EVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD … yea the 80’s lol just now • We will be looking for your album. Thank You Brian. Beautiful Music
SweetheartSavannah Thank you Brian for sharing your talent with us! Great music! Savannah & Sharonjust now
Rebekah Taylor Uhtoff Thank you Stephanie for the fantastic filming & streaming. Your behind-the-scenes work is so appreciated! just now
Tracy Newmarch Keep ’em comin Bri!
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MCP has a special holiday Giving Campaign going on now in an effort to raise money to bring more concerts to kids/teens battling serious illness. You can give the gift of Music and be entered to win a brand new ukulele played and signed by Jason Mraz. The more you give the more you get….etc. All the details are on our website at: (Photo by Greg Roth)