Everett’s Oliver Elf Army released Telescope earlier this year, a four song masterpiece of dark, absurdly malevolent pop. Today marks the release of the video...
Surfy, punky, horn-laden…Actionesse is a band that defies most any box you try to stuff ’em into. One thing is guaranteed, though…you’re gonna have a...
Substation’s Downstream Music Fest + Festival, created and curated in direct response to Paul Allen’s Upstream Music Festival + Summit, celebrated the antithesis of its inspiration:...
The fifteenth year of Flight To Mars‘ Crohn’s and Colitis benefit, featuring Mike McCready (Pearl Jam, Temple of The Dog, Mad Season) and Mike Musburger (Love Battery,...
The inaugural Upstream Music Festival and Summit took place last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in and around Pioneer Square. There was far too much going...
The inaugural Upstream Music Festival and Summit took place last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in and around Pioneer Square. There was far too much going...
The Historic Everett Theatre is no stranger to PNW music, having played host to the main stage for the Fisherman’s Village Music Festival for a...
Bob Log III may be more machine than man. There is nearly no other explanation other than the superhuman for the way he constantly crisscrosses...
Métier was filled with emotion, determination, and rock ‘n’ roll on Saturday night as The Gods Themselves performed two sets at a benefit show. Put on...
From the moment that Everett’s progressive monster Sleepwell Citizen takes the stage at Tony V’s early Friday evening to the moment Everett’s Crystal Desert shuts the...
Shookup has been playing the long game for the past couple of years. The heavy rocking band released several songs on their Bandcamp page two...
SMI is proud to present this review and photo gallery created by two guest contributors heavily involved in the local scene in Everett. Henry J...