When Austin Jenckes announced his west coast tour, his January 14 date at Seattle’s Crocodile was billed as his “home town” show, and quickly sold...
At last, the eagerly expected Sasquatch! Festival Launch Party arrived. The soiree took place last week. Now that the festival is spanning two long weekends...
Seattle-based singer Mary Lambert has been on a roll as of recent. She’s been nominated for a Grammy for the work she did with hometown...
Sean De Tore an assistant producer of the Ron and Don Show, on KIRO Radio. He is also a passionate music journalist and colleague. Sean has been hosting his Mixtape podcast for...
Jonny Lang sings and plays his guitar from every ounce of his soul. The American blues, gospel artist started his career at the tender age of 13, and...
Anyone that goes to a Brent Amaker and The Rodeo show know that they are going to get more than just a music concert. Amaker and his...
I knew the night was going to be something special when I drove down Stewart Street heading to The Crocodile. People on the street were cheering...
Most people that I know cradle some special music close to their heart because it feeds their soul. But I’m pretty sure that Southern Culture...
I was as giddy as a teenager when photographer Arlene Brown and I headed over Stevens Pass to Timbrrr! Winter Music Festival in Leavenworth last...
They sing songs of devotion, pain and redemption. They have inspired northwest artists such as Brandi Carlile and Star Anna. Through their music they champion...
I see a lot of people wearing black at shows…now there’s an understatement for you. And tonight was no exception; in fact, it was more...
The Jordan Cook AKA Reignwolf crazy buzz started almost two years ago with a stunning in-store performance at Easy Street Records in Seattle and an equally stunning performance at Sasquatch! and...