On the night of the first major rain in Seattle in nearly 3 months, we said a bittersweet farewell to a local staple, and bigger...
This year's celebration was the best so far. There is one word that is synonymous with music and the types of shows that the Watt...
Loomis edgy and soulful vocal styling along with Whitney's beautiful tones and feel create an incredible sound that is divinely inspired. So it was only...
Seattle Living Room Shows came to The Triple Door last week and the air was buzzing with anticipation. Crowds of people laughed and hugged, genuinely happy to...
There’s something so magical about the chemistry that Bradford Loomis & Beth Whitney bring to their first joint effort The Banner Days. Typically solo artists,...
Sean De Tore an assistant producer of the Ron and Don Show, on KIRO Radio. He is also a passionate music journalist and colleague. Sean has been hosting his Mixtape podcast for...