Band In Seattle is gearing up for Season Five, which will air this fall on television. This means that Victory Studios is in the midst...
Bumbershoot, Seattle’s beloved, decades-long music festival had yet another iteration over Labor Day weekend. It kicked off on Friday afternoon, with performances from global artists...
I’ve found myself in music venues that underwhelm, disgust, inspire, motivate, and wow me. I’ve seen the gamut. But standing in the middle of the...
Black Happy was huge in Seattle in the early nineties, though you’ve probably never heard of them. But back in the day, if you were...
Wednesday night at Safeco Field, local legends Pearl Jam filled the stands for what turned out to be hours of live music, riddled with new...
Right at the tail end of March at The Fisherman’s Village Music Festival in Everett, Bad Optics seemingly magically popped into existence. The band wasn’t...
By Branden Clarke and Hanna Stevens on August 5, 2018 The Crocodile Cafe was pulling double duty the night of Monday, July 30th, serving as...
Perhaps by now it’s fading into a hazy, sweaty memory, but CHBP (Capitol Hill Block Party for the long-formers) just happened. It was that weekend...
After a six-year break from releasing new music, Now, Now have released a new album titled Saved. To celebrate its release, the group has been...
This year’s Timber Outdoor Music Festival was the second one I’d ever attended, and after those few days, it looked like the start of a...
Not more than one full week after their huge 10-year anniversary extravaganza, the Watt sisters of Seattle Living Room Shows put on a killer show...
Thirty year old Pittsburgh native Brooke Annibale has self-released three albums that document her feelings of hope, heartache, and belief, via incredibly well-written songs that...