Saturday’s show at The Rendezvous was one that marked some changes in the Everett music scene, as Shark The Herald performed their farewell show, while...
To the uninitiated masses who drove the half hour north from Seattle to attend the Fisherman’s Village Music Festival, Everett seemed like a sort of...
The Rendezvous’ Jewelbox Theater, considered ‘cute’ by some, was subjected to a thrashing last Friday night courtesy of Johnny Hoffman and The Residents and Everett...
Everett’s Johnny Hoffman & The Residents are bringing their energetic garage genre rock down to Seattle to celebrate the release of their EP, Untitled (Soniphone),...
One of the best things about loving local music is seeing bands come into their own, and Everett’s Shark The Herald is doing just that....
By Christine Mitchell “Escape Route,” the opening track off Shark The Herald’s debut This is That…and That is for You (Soniphone), is a slowburner that starts...
It was a dark and stormy night last Thursday, but the Soniphone Spook-A-Thon was nothing as rote as the weather. If anything, the dark, wind,...
Looking for an extra chance to sport your Halloween garb and celebrate this week? Come on down to the Columbia City Theater to the Soniphone...
Chip Butters is a big deal. After ten years as chief of production at Columbia City Theater, during which he installed a complete recording studio,...